Eta Sigma Phi’s “Homerathon” brings the Odyssey alive on campus

Michael Kelley ’18, Melody Wauke ’17, Charlie Schufreider ’17, Hanna Seariac ’20, Jeffrey Dickinson ’19, and Allyn Waller ’18 at the Homerathon donation table.

On Wednesday, April 19, the student Classics society Eta Sigma Phi hosted the College’s first Homerathon, a daylong reading of all twenty-four books of Homer’s Odyssey to the campus community. The event, which took place in the Hogan Oval, was a fundraiser for Ascentria Care Alliance, a local organization devoted to immigrant and refugee resettlement.

For more on the event, see:

*the story in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette, titled “Epic tale: Entire Odyssey read at Holy Cross to benefit refugees

*the piece on the Holy Cross news site, titled: “Holy Cross Takes on Sirens and Cyclopes with Marathon Reading of the ‘Odyssey’

*a timelapse of the first several hours of the Homerathon on YouTube

Liam O’Toole ’20 braves the elements, Odysseus-like, as he reads from the Odyssey.


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