*CBS news aired a feature story on departmental alum Anthony Fauci ’62 and his work on the AIDS epidemic
*Departmental alum Tabitha Lord ’93 published her second novel, titled Infinity.
*The Holy Cross website included profiles of retiring faculty, including Prof. Blaise Nagy of the Department of Classics.
*Jason Steranko ’17 blogged over the summer about his collection of Ancient Greek black-out poetry, titled Melasmos.
*The article “Citation and Alignment: Scholarship Outside & Inside the Codex” in the journal Manuscript Studies, written by Christine Roughan ’14, Prof. Neel Smith, and Christopher Blackwell, was made available through open access.
*Prof. Mary Ebbott’s essay “Seeking Odysseus’ Sister” appeared in Michigan Quarterly.
*Plans for the College’s new Center for Arts and Creativity will include a studio theater named after the late Kenneth Happe ’58, an associate professor emeritus of Classics.